Electrical Turbine Technician

場所 Taiwan
給料 Up to £0.00 per annum + Salary is negotiable
ジョブタイプ 派遣・契約
分野 洋上風力
レファレンス BBBH14812_1629088861
  • Finding faults on turbine electrical systems
  • Making routine inspections on all systems
  • Climbing up high wind turbine towers wearing a safety harness to carry out installation work
  • Maintaining and repairing main systems and components, such as transformers and cabling
  • Updating the management on the progress of maintenance, repair or inspection work and producing reports and checklists
  • Monitoring stock and ordering spare parts
  • Following strict health and safety procedures.

ersg are an equal opportunities employer; we are committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all job applicants. We do not discriminate against applicants on the basis of age, sex, race, disability, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or religious background; all decisions are based on merit.