Spotlight: Seafarers

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Spotlight: Seafarers

In the maritime industry, June 25th marks World Seafarers Day, an annual celebration organised by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), which appreciates and commemorates seafarers for their contribution to the economy and to civil society. This day serves as a reminder of the invaluable role seafarers play in our interconnected world.

What Are Seafarers?

Seafarers play a vital role in today’s world of international commerce, spending months away from home, whilst navigating unpredictable waters to ensure goods reach their destinations. Their resilience and dedication power the engine of global supply chains, touching every corner of our lives from the food on our tables to the technology in our hands. According to IMO's estimates, ships transport almost 90 percent of the world's goods trade.

This day is not just about acknowledging the challenges seafarers face, but also about celebrating their unwavering commitment and expertise. It’s a tribute to their courage in the face of adversity and their ability to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the sea. Crucially, the day also draws attention to the factors that affect the trade of seafarers, such as piracy, and calls upon governments “to develop policies that lead to fair treatment of seafarers at ports, and asks private ship companies and owners to provide their employees proper facilities and comforts while they are at sea.” (World Maritime University

Seafarers in Renewables

In the renewable energy sector, seafarers play a key role in forging a more sustainable future. There are a wide range of roles within renewables. Some key roles include: Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) Divers, Marine Mammal Observers, Safety and Emergency Response, Survey and Research Crews and Offshore Operations and Support.

Many of these roles have a vital part to play in maintaining biodiversity in the ocean as well as ensuring offshore renewable energy projects run smoothly. Seafarers bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to the renewable energy sector, enabling the growth and sustainability of offshore wind farms and other marine-based renewable energy projects worldwide. We hope that through celebrating World Seafarers Day, the world will become more aware of the vital role they play in creating a greener and more sustainable future for all.

Recruiting Seafarers

At ersg, we understand the importance of nurturing talent and supporting seafarers throughout their careers. By advocating for better working conditions, training programs, and career development opportunities, ersg contributes to a sustainable future for the maritime industry. We are audited by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency in the UK and the equivalent in The Netherlands to show that we maintain compliance with domestic and international seafarer law, like the Maritime Labour Convention 2006.


Contact us

Ersg place seasoned seafarers in top quality roles. If you are currently seeking new seafarer hires in renewable energy, or a candidate looking for a role, please contact our consultants: Francisco Armengual at [email protected] or John Samuels at [email protected].

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